Past Services

Sunday, September 10th, 2023

An Intergenerational Service

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum

We’ll pour water representing the waters of the world as we share our deep connections. Children will receive a special “blessing of the backpacks” token as we bless the starting of the school year and the church year. And we’ll have a special welcome for our new staff members!

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service: Posted HERE by Saturday afternoon

Sunday, September 3rd, 2023

FPC’s Wednesday night Meditation group will be running the service.  We'll be doing a variety of meditaiton exercises and will have readings by Jack Kornfield.  Come enjoy a relaxing hour!

Our buildings are now mask-optional. 

Order of Service & Announcements: POSTED BY 10 AM SATURDAY

Sunday, August 27th, 2023

Do you remember taking an English Lit class and not enjoying poetry because it didn’t make sense? Poetry provides us with a different way of seeing the everyday. At this service we will read a poem together and discuss it. Was it a good poem? Did it make sense? Did it speak to you? No to any of these is a perfectly good answer, incidentally. Come join the Spiritual Conversations Through Poetry team to see what poetry can be for you.  

Our buildings are now mask-optional. 

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, August 20th, 2023

Superhero movies have become a staple of the summer. Rev. Cindy will look at why superheroes are so popular, what we can learn from them, and what applies to our lives.  

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, August 13th, 2023

Lindsay LaPointe invites everyone to gather together, all on the same curved line. This circle worship will explore your own personal spirituality and offer moments of reflection, verbal sharing, and embodiment.

Our buildings are now mask-optional. 

Order of Service & Announcements: POSTED BY 10 AM SATURDAY

Sunday, August 6th, 2023

Our own Rev. Cindy Landrum will lead worship at FPC for 20th annual Joint Summer Service of the Bolton, Fitchburg, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Littleton, Marlborough/Hudson, and Stow/Acton UU churches. There will be a pick-up choir with all singers welcome and rehearsal beginning at 8:30 AM. Music for the pick-up choir will be available in advance upon request.  

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service: CLICK HERE

FPC Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, July 30th, 2023

Outside Service only

Join Susan Avery with your animal(s) or representations of them as we explore the power they have to lift our spirit. We'll celebrate by collectively blessing each of them.

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, July 23rd, 2023

In what has become a summer tradition at FPC, our very own Parish Jazz Band, led by Michael Paladini, will play great jazz classics for everyone to enjoy, all packaged in a UU wrapper.

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, July 16th, 2023

Shana Dumont Garr will share her ideas about how the history of philosophy and art is closely related to spiritual understanding. She will offer specific examples from the 6th century philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides to the 1st century CE Roman poet Lucretius, and from the 13th century Medieval scholar Meister Eckhart to the contemporary American artists David Hammons and Guadalupe Maravilla.

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE

Sunday, July 9th, 2023

Join Ingrid Holcomb as she focuses on some dimensions of listening. Non-human animals listen to each other for many reasons. Human animals listen to non-human animals, too—for enjoyment (listening), but also for meaning (hearing). And humans listen to and hear each other. When you listen, what do you hear?

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service & Announcements: CLICK HERE
