A special welcome to the members of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson joining us for this service!
World AIDS Day is December 1st of every year, and this Sunday will focus on remembering the long struggle of addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our communities and the wider world. In the midst of a world with so many different challenges today, it would be so easy to forget that HIV/AIDS continues to affect many people's lives around the world. The particular challenge remains for how communities such as FPC and the wider Stow community and region can respond to the epidemic and compassionately welcome and serve those whose lives have been affected by this tragedy. Please join us for a moving service of remembrance where our commitment toward addressing and responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic will be renewed, so that together, we may be one.
Phyllis C. will be joining us as guest worship leader. Phyllis is an applicant for ministerial fellowship with the UUA, and is currently enrolled as a special student at the Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland, CA. Phyllis has long been a member and activist in different churches across multiple denominations in the Stow area, and brings a passion for congregational leadership and development that inspires many different communities to come together to address human needs, among other things. Phyllis resides in Ayer with her spouse, Jeremi and her dog, Dede, and is the parent of one adult child.
Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed.
Join Worship by Video: https://tinyurl.com/22-23fpc
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)
FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.
Order of Service: CLICK HERE