Contact Us


First Parish Church of Stow and Acton Unitarian Universalist
353 Great Road
Stow, Massachusetts 01775

Office: (617) 291-3351
Minister: (978) 897-8721
FAX: (978) 897-3678

Office hours:
Mon, Wed–Fri 9 AM to 3 PM

Schedule an appointment with the minister here!


Contact Information for FPC Staff and Volunteers

Or scroll down for Contact Form


Building Rental

Visit our rental page here!  We would love for you to rent our beautiful spaces, such as the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall. Either once, or on a regular basis.

For rentals please contact Leah by email or phone (978) 640-0837.


Secure Online Donations and Payments

Send Pledge Payments to:

Pledge Secretary, PO Box 215, Stow MA 01775

Please make checks payable to “First Parish Church” and write “Annual Pledge” on the memo line.

If you have questions about your pledge, please contact the pledge secretary, Brendon Chetwynd, at

Other Donations

Please send non-pledge donations to:

First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, Attn: Treasurer, 353 Great Rd, Stow MA 01775

Make checks payable to “First Parish Church” and please write the purpose of the donation on the memo line. 

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