Subscribe to Newsletters

First Parish Church has a number of communication channels set up to create a "virtual" coffee hour for announcements, discussions, and the ongoing exchange of ideas.

Monthly Chronicle Newsletter and This Week at FPC

We offer an e-mail based version of our monthly Chronicle newsletter. Signing up not only saves the church money and time, but also trees! Signing up here will also add you to the weekly This Week at FPC newsletter. To enroll, enter your e-mail address below, and click the Subscribe button:


Paper copies of the Chronicle are available at the Church Life table during coffee hours following the Sunday services.

FPC Announce

FPC Announce Policy

This is an e-mail list widely used for church announcements, upcoming meetings, etc. FPC Announce is a moderated list. This means that postings must be approved by one of the moderators of the list. Currently the moderators are the chairs of the FPC Communications Committee. We offer two methods to subscribe: via an e-mail message or on the web.

Once you are a subscriber, you can send e-mail messages to the distribution list at this address: (But remember, since this is a moderated list, they may take a short time to appear.) You can visit the website to access the archive of previously posted messages

FPC Forum

FPC Forum Policy

This e-mail list is a sort of open mike. Topics should pertain to church, religion, or society as opposed to say, gardening, but beyond that anything is fair game including controversial debates — BUT NO FLAMING. Flaming is a personal attack on someone or generally not respecting differences of opinion. This list is unmoderated; any posting will go directly to the list without approval. We offer two methods to subscribe, via an e-mail message or on the web.

To subscribe to FPCForum:

Note: One must be a member of the FPC Announce group mentioned above before joining the FPC Forum, as the Forum is sub-group of the Announce group.

Once you are subscribed, you can send e-mail messages to the distribution list at this address:

FPC Community Events

FPC Community Events is an e-mail group for announcements of First Parish Church related events of interest to the wider community near Stow, MA. For example: coffeehouses and musical performances, fall fair, apple pies & plant sales, church job opening, and community forums. It is for people who are not members of the church.

Subscribe to FPCCommunityEvents:

E-mail address:  

Visit this Google group

Other Newsgroups

FPC has many other newsgroups, some are used by our various committees, others are for special interest groups, such FPC Drums, FPC Women, FPC Hikers, FPC Brew, etc.. Here is the complete list. To join one of these groups select the it from the list then click the "Apply for Membership to this Group" green button.


FPC also has a Facebook page! If you 'Like' us you'll receive updates on upcoming FPC events as well as non-FPC events in the neighboring community that may be of interest, plus occasional UU District, Regional, and UUA news. This is also where we post many pictures from FPC events.