Recordings of Past Services

Video recordings of our Sunday services are available on our YouTube channel. Click on icon below to visit.

We also have a collection of audio recordings of selected Sunday 11:00AM services. To hear a service simply click on the red side of the audio player of the one you would like to hear. Alternatively, you can click on the .mp3 link to download the service to your computer or mobile device.

Note: Due to limitations with FPC's current audio system, the sound quality for most musical segments was very poor. As such, many of these pieces have not been included. We are working on upgrading the system so that the complete services can be heard. Also, for reasons of privacy, the "Joys and Concerns" segments have been excluded.

Should you have difficulty playing these recordings please contact:

An RSS feed of the audio services is available here: Subscribe to FPC of Stow & Acton Services

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Unitarian theologian and teacher, James Luther Adams wrote, "Church is a place where you get to practice what it means to be human." Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris's sermon explores what kinds of things we practice here and why it matters that we do.

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

2 Services in the Sanctuary

Welcome back! This will be our first Sunday with Interim Minister, The Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris. Her sermon, "Beginning in Gratitude", draws on her story of finding this faith, being saved by it, and coming to know it as both inheritance and legacy.

OPEN HOUSE FOR ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT FIRST PARISH OF STOW & ACTON, Please come to either the first or second service, or both if you wish and then join us in our Community Room to learn more about all that First Parish Church has to offer. Tours will be available along with information on the many Programs and Groups available. We will also have a special Meet and Greet with our Interim Minister, Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris! FPC, please bring anyone who you think might be interested, including friends and neighbors.

If you are looking to become more involved this would be a great way to become connected. All are Welcome! Please invite others to join you!

Questions? Please contact Joleen Trotta Sullivan,

Sunday, June 4th, 2017


Join us for this special service as we celebrate Rev. Tom Rosiello's 15 years of service to our church as he prepares for retirement at the end of June. The service will recognize what Tom has given to our community, highlight how we have all grown over the last 15 years under Tom's leadership, and thank him for all he's done for us. A number of special guests and professional musicians will join the adult choir, Mike Pfitzer, and Sanghee Kim. Come send Tom off with an FPC Farewell!

Sunday, May 28th, 2017


Today we will celebrate our beautiful Flower Communion Ritual. Please be sure to bring a cut flower or two with you to church. We will bring them all together in one bouquet symbolizing the unity in our diversity. In doing so, we will recognize the many blessings, gifts and talents we each bring to this community. In gratitude for all we receive from others in our church community we will leave with the flower that another person brought. The worship will be led by Rev. Tom Rosiello and there will be great music from our choirs and instrumentalists. This is a very meaningful service that really communicates what is at the heart of our faith tradition. If you have a friend or neighbor who you think might be interested in Unitarian Universalism, this would be a great service to invite them to attend.

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

Today's services will focus on how we have built our church over the last 15 years. It is a service that will both look to the past and set the stage for the future. Tom will share some of things that were central to his ministry with us.

Sunday, May 14th, 2017

9AM Service in the Community Room 11AM Service in the Sanctuary
There are 2 different services this Sunday

Sunday March 14, 2017
Mothers Day
9AM in the Community Room
"Ask the Minister"
Our minister will be retiring soon and maybe there is something that you have been just dying to ask him.
Well, here is your chance! We will have a simple Mothers' Day Service and then, instead of a sermon,
Tom will respond to your questions.

11 AM in the Sanctuary
Youth Service/Coming of Age
This service will be planned and presented by our senior youth and will include the sharing of credos by the youth who are completing the Coming of Age program. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful group of youth.
Please come and celebrate and worship with them.

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

There will just be one service today at 11 AM due to the Ferry Beach Retreat

The Rev. Tom Rosiello leading worship and preaching.
Some suggest that humor itself is a spiritual practice and a good laugh is certainly good for both the body and the soul. During Rev. Tom’s 15 years as minister there have been many times of serious worship and exploration of important issues. There have been times of accomplishment, celebration, and of course some sad times. But there have also been lots of humorous times in and out of church. This morning we will journey on the lighter human side of ministry. Come and have a good laugh and enjoy the spiritual uplift of a little humor.

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

The Rev. Tom Rosiello leading worship and preaching.
We all experience the struggle to be our authentic selves, but those folks for whom this struggle involves a transition from one gender to another face daunting challenges. Within their stories of transformation are many other stories of how their change has affected others. In the present political climate, voices of prejudice and misunderstanding are attempting to block and even take away hard-won rights for transgender folks . Affirming the equal worth and dignity of every person is fundamental to our faith and it is wonderful that we have both transgender youth and adults in our congregation, some of whom have felt comfortable enough to share their journey with us.
This winter in Mexico (perhaps not the place where you would expect this to happen) Rev. Rosiello had the opportunity to spend time and be inspired by several people who understand this journey firsthand. For more information about his experience please read his article in this issue of The Chronicle and please join us for a worship service where we learn from those stories and affirm our support for transgender folks and their families.

Sunday, April 16th, 2017


The Rev. Tom Rosiello leading worship and preaching.
At the core of Christian teaching is the message that love conquers all things, even death; that it is love that empowers us. In so many ways the Easter Story is really a story about love. Today we will look at the Easter story through that lens. The Message for All Ages will be an abridged version of the Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams, which, according to Rev. Rosiello, has an uplifting Easter message that dramatizes the power of that love." Following the message for All Ages children will leave for a special Easter Egg Hunt. The services will be filled with "Hallelujahs" and other great Easter music under the direction of Mike Pfitzer with Sanghee Kim as organist/pianist. We will conclude both services with an invitation to come forward and join the choir in singing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah. It will be a wonderful morning. Treat yourself to the experience and bring friends.

Sunday, April 9th, 2017

Rev. Tom Rosiello preaching
Today is Palm Sunday on the Christian calendar and the Jewish holiday of Passover begins on Monday at sundown. The stories of these holdays involve individuals who took moral stands and who spoke truth to power. Moses relentlessly demanded freedom for his people. Jesus taught that how we treat the least among us (the immigrant, the oppressed, the poor, the ill) is how we will be judged as a society. Right now in our country there is lot of talk about "freedom" that somehow seems to override the moral imperatives that Jesus taught and that are prerequisites for a "real" freedom. The cry has been, "Make America Great Again," but our conscience tells us that what we need to do is, "Make America Moral Again." The Rev. Tom Rosiello will be preaching and leading worship. Music will be provided by Mike Pfitzer, music director, and Sanghee Kim, pianist/organist with the Adult Choir singing at the 11 AM service.


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