Sunday, September 10, 2017
at 9 AM & 11 AM
2 Services in the Sanctuary

Welcome back! This will be our first Sunday with Interim Minister, The Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris. Her sermon, "Beginning in Gratitude", draws on her story of finding this faith, being saved by it, and coming to know it as both inheritance and legacy.

OPEN HOUSE FOR ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT FIRST PARISH OF STOW & ACTON, Please come to either the first or second service, or both if you wish and then join us in our Community Room to learn more about all that First Parish Church has to offer. Tours will be available along with information on the many Programs and Groups available. We will also have a special Meet and Greet with our Interim Minister, Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris! FPC, please bring anyone who you think might be interested, including friends and neighbors.

If you are looking to become more involved this would be a great way to become connected. All are Welcome! Please invite others to join you!

Questions? Please contact Joleen Trotta Sullivan,
