Sunday, April 23, 2017
at 9 AM & 11 AM

The Rev. Tom Rosiello leading worship and preaching.
We all experience the struggle to be our authentic selves, but those folks for whom this struggle involves a transition from one gender to another face daunting challenges. Within their stories of transformation are many other stories of how their change has affected others. In the present political climate, voices of prejudice and misunderstanding are attempting to block and even take away hard-won rights for transgender folks . Affirming the equal worth and dignity of every person is fundamental to our faith and it is wonderful that we have both transgender youth and adults in our congregation, some of whom have felt comfortable enough to share their journey with us.
This winter in Mexico (perhaps not the place where you would expect this to happen) Rev. Rosiello had the opportunity to spend time and be inspired by several people who understand this journey firsthand. For more information about his experience please read his article in this issue of The Chronicle and please join us for a worship service where we learn from those stories and affirm our support for transgender folks and their families.
