9AM Ask The Minister 11AM Youth Service/Coming of Age

Sunday, May 14, 2017
at 9 AM Ask The Minister, Community Room & 11 AM Youth Service/Coming of Age, Sanctuary
9AM Service in the Community Room 11AM Service in the Sanctuary
There are 2 different services this Sunday

Sunday March 14, 2017
Mothers Day
9AM in the Community Room
"Ask the Minister"
Our minister will be retiring soon and maybe there is something that you have been just dying to ask him.
Well, here is your chance! We will have a simple Mothers' Day Service and then, instead of a sermon,
Tom will respond to your questions.

11 AM in the Sanctuary
Youth Service/Coming of Age
This service will be planned and presented by our senior youth and will include the sharing of credos by the youth who are completing the Coming of Age program. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful group of youth.
Please come and celebrate and worship with them.