The Rough & Tumble

Saturday, December 7th, 2019 - 7:30PM
The Rough & Tumble


The Rough & Tumble are as easy to detect as a stray dog on your doorstep-- and as difficult to send home.  The dumpster-folk, thriftstore-Americana duo, consisting of Mallory Graham & Scott Tyler, have been hobbling around the country in their 16 camper since 2015, when their Nashville landlord left them without heat during an ice storm for 12 days.  Then she tried to hike the rent.  Enough was enough, and The Rough & Tumble gave their 30 days notice at their jobs and their lease, sold most of what they owned, and hopped into their shoddily built camper, in spite of the lot salesman's advice.  They picked up a couple of actual strays along the way-- two 100lb dogs, Puddle & Magpie Mae-- and have been making themselves at home in living rooms, bars, theaters, and festivals across the country.  They've been recognized as a Feature Showcase Artist at 2018 SERFA, and a 2018 honorable mention for the Listening Room Network.

 "Their Americana music is restorative, their performance highly entertaining, their orchestra of unusual instruments intriguing, and jokes and stories are worthy of an HBO special." (Linda Bolton, Cozy Cabin House Concerts).
(The 2018 album We Made Ourselves a Home When We Didnt Know is) "as cozy, comfortable and inviting as a well-worn couch." (Bill Kopp, Mountain Xpress)

Tickets are $20 at the door or $17 in advance at  For more information, see The Rough &

The Rough & Tumble// Howl at the Moon// Official Music Video

New Revival Coffeehouse is at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, 353 Great Rd., Stow MA 01775. For directions, click here.

For questions, call 978-274-2593, or email

Member of the Boston Area Coffeehouse Association.

The New Revival Coffeehouse is wheelchair accessible.