
This is a list of all news items, in reverse order of when they were posted.

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Welcome Our New Minister

Rev. Cindy

On Sunday, May 20th, FPC held a special meeting to vote on calling the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum as our new settled minister.  After a very thoughtful discussion, the vote was held. 160 members were present and we successfully voted to call Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum to be our new settled minister. And she accepted! 

We look forward to welcoming Rev. Cindy and family in August. Until then, much will be taking place over the summer, as FPC transitions to a new ministry. 

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum comes to us from serving a 14-year ministry with the... Read more

Holiday Gift Drive

Every year, FPC collects holiday gifts for the guests of two domestic violence shelters. Santa’s elves will continue on with this tradition this year, although with a few changes due to COVID-19.


For more than 15 years, our FPC community has stepped up to buy gifts for children, women and men who are fleeing domestic violence. We started first assisting Renewal House, a shelter for women and children in Roxbury which is connected to the UU Urban Ministry, and on whose board our former minister Tom Rosiello served. When Diane... Read more

Black Lives Matter at FPC

In January of 2016, the congregation voted (5th principle) to hang a banner showing our support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and here’s why.

First, it is not representing any organization, but a movement. This movement promotes the idea that all lives SHOULD matter equally, whether black, blue, brown, white, asian, or any other race. However, they do not. The lives of people of color, and black people especially, are constantly valued less than a white person's life, through constant economical,... Read more

Construction Completed!

Our present church, constructed in 1848, is directly descended from the original “meeting house”, built in the 1680’s, concurrent with the founding of Stow (at that time Pompositticut Plantation). First Parish Church, now meeting house, has grown, as has the region, and now provides a liberal spiritual home to many residents of Stow and the surrounding towns.

As our congregation and programs have expanded, so have our physical needs. We have recently completed a major restoration and construction Capital Project. The church building received a new roof, exterior painting, improved... Read more

FPC COVID Guidelines and Protocols

As of July 1, 2023, FPC moved to a mask-optional policy throughout the church. We continue to center our policy around care for our community and each other.


To that end, we are designating a portion of the sanctuary to be masks-required, while the rest of the sanctuary and the church will be mask-optional. If you wish to sit in the masks-required section, it will be marked off. It will consist of the back right corner of the sanctuary, as you face the pulpit. In the image below, it is denoted by the two red rectangles.  This space was chosen... Read more
