Ingathering Sunday

Sunday, September 11, 2011
at 9 AM & 11 AM
Two Sunday Services Begin

This Sunday we open wide the doors of the church to welcome all to the beginning of our new church year.To paraphrase our opening hymn: "We will gather in the spirit, harvest the power of community and with our lives kindle one flame."

In this service we will be reminded of the importance of liberal religious community. The Rev. Tom Rosiello will lead the service which will include remembrances of those who lost their lives in September 11, 2001 and prayers for peace in our world. He will deliver a sermon entitled, "Ten  Year Later." There will be a special interactive message for our children at the beginning of the service after which they will leave to begin this year’s religious education program.  Music at both services will be provided by our two new musicians, Music Director , Mike Pfitzer and pianist/organist, Sanghee Kim.  They will be joined by our Adult Choir at the 11 AM service. 
