The time we’re living through has been compared, sometimes jokingly and sometimes not, to many dystopian novels. The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler suggests, in verses called “Earthseed,” that the only constant in our lives is change, that everything changes us, and we change everything. To sum it up, “God is change.” Rev. Cindy Landrum will explore the helpful messages dystopian works give us for how we will not just survive this time but turn the world around.
Sanctuary closed. Virtual Service by video or phone or at 107.7 FM in the FPC Parking Lot
Order of Service: Click here.
Online Information:
People are encouraged to arrive ten minutes early to facilitate the process of being cleared through our "waiting room." Please note that microphones will be muted, screen sharing will be disabled, and chatting (except to host) will be disabled for this service. The room will also be locked to new participants about 15 minutes into the service. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
Please note all our links for joining by video/audio are different each week.
Join Service by Video:
Join Service by Phone: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 917 1975 7570
Password: 9782020