FPC Auction 2023 – Monopoly!

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 - 11:00PM

Pass Go and come on down to the FPC Spring Auction!  This event will include an on-line silent auction (starting at midnight on March 26th and ending on April 5th), and a live event on April 1st with both silent auction and live auction opportunities.  

We will gather the evening of April 1st to socialize a bit before the auction.  Those who want to partake in light snacks, wine, beer, and soft drinks will find them in the Vestry and Community Room.  The Fellowship Hall will also be open for those who want to socialize without food and drink. Then we will all join up in the Fellowship Hall to get down to the business of bidding!  (Masking, plus no food or drink in Fellowship Hall to limit exposure to COVID.)

The auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and a wonderful time to buy that item you just can’t live without, support the church and join in fellowship with our community.  Bid early and often to make sure you get that special item!  We don’t collect Luxury Tax, so you can bid as high as you want!

Items are coming in, including many favorites like group dinners, business gift cards, FPC member artworks, services, baked goods, and jewelry.  What can you donate?  You are limited only by your imagination! 

In keeping with the spirit of Monopoly, we will have games of Chance (at least one raffle.)  But watch out!  You could get sent to Jail.  Make sure to bring some friends who can bail you out!


Important Details


When:  The online auction runs from March 26th through April 5th.

            The live auction was held April 1st.

Where:  The on-line auction is hosted by Auctria.  Please register and see the catalog: HERE.

Important Links
Enter the Online Auction to Register or Sign in.  The Online Auction runs through April 5th! Auctria Sign-in

Need help?  Contact the Auction Committee and we will get you started!  auction@fpc-stow-acton.org