Submitted by jstadolnik on
The Apple Pie Project Begins the Week of 9/16/24! Please sign up HERE!
We need your help to make the 300+ pies for this fall’s Apple Pie Fundraiser! No experience necessary…training and camaraderie will be provided! FPC’s apple pies are a long-standing tradition as a fundraiser, fun group project, and culinary delight and require lots of volunteers to make it successful.
Volunteering opportunities:
Wednesday: Dough making (9/18, 9/25, 10/2, and 10/9) usually between 4 and 6 pm but days/times are flexible
Contact June Mallon - – if you are interested. 2-3 people are needed each week.
Tuesday or Wednesday: Apple collecting (9/17-19, 9/24-25, 10/1-2, and 10/8-9) during orchard hours
Contact Steve Evans ( for information and to get official bags and directions. Please deposit your bags of apples into the bins located IN FRONT OF THE CARRIAGE SHED.
Wednesday/Thursday: Apple peeling/prep (9/18-19, 9/25-26, 10/2-3, and 10/9-10) timing flexible
- Please sign up online and indicate how many bags of apples you intend to peel.
- Apples can be picked up after 4 pm on Wednesday afternoons or Thursdays. PLEASE TAKE AS MANY BAGS AS YOU SIGNED UP TO TAKE.
- The apples will be located in bins located IN FRONT OF THE CARRIAGE SHED.
- Volunteers are asked to take the apples home (or to the Vestry on Thursday), wash them, peel them, core them, and cut them into pie slices. It is important to remove ALL skin, seeds, and tough bits around the seeds. Bags will be provided for storage of the cleaned apple slices.
- The Vestry has been reserved from 4 to 9 pm each week for folks who want to peel with other people at church.
- Drop off bags of prepared apple slices in the bins at the church before 9 pm Thursday. (NOTE: If you peel your apples on Wednesday, please refrigerate them until you deliver them on Thursday.)
Friday Morning: Baking (9/20, 9/27, 10/4, and 10/11) anytime after 6:30 until 11 am or so
Sign up and come as early as you are able (baking set up starts at 6:30 am and volunteer work continues until the pies are all assembled…usually around 10-11 am). If you can only come for part of the shift, that’s ok…every bit helps. All TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED.
Friday Evening: Bagging (9/20, 9/27, 10/4, and 10/11) 7pm or later
Bagging will take place in the Fellowship Hall (or in the vestry classroom, depending on events scheduled at church) after 7 pm, when the pies are fully cooled. New folks will be trained and gloves will be provided.
Saturday/Sunday Selling (9/21-22, 9/28-29, 10/5-6, and 10/12-13); from 9:45 am until the pies are sold (or 1pm, whichever comes first)
We will sell out of our pie shed again this year. Pies will be $20. The first week of sales will coincide with our Yard Sale on Sat. 9/21/24.
Weekend Seller Coordinator (9/21-22, 9/28-29, 10/5-6, and 10/12-13); 9:45-10am and a half hour at the end of the selling shift
Sign up for a weekend to assist/get the cash box to the sellers and help tally up the proceeds each day.
Questions/Comments/Concerns? Please reach out to the Pie Project Coordinator, Rebecca Stadolnik, at: