20th Anniversary Peace Vigil on Nov. 17

Date and Time: 
Thursday, November 17th, 2022 - 5:00PM to 6:00PM

Our Peace Vigil that takes place each Thursday night along Stow Common was started 20 years ago, on Nov. 26, 2002, by FPC member Neil Saunders, in response to the imminent Gulf War. “It was a cold November night,” Saunders recalls, “and we huddled together holding candles and a few homemade signs. It was our way of sending out a clear message that instead of sending American troops to fight a deadly war in Iraq, we believed every effort should be made to resolve the dispute peacefully through negotiation and diplomacy.”

The vigil, still led by Saunders, now takes place each Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m., with the 20th Anniversary Peace Vigil being held on Thursday, Nov. 17 (because people might just have plans the following Thursday). All are welcome! “Our goal,” says Saunders, “is to have enough people attending to spread out along the entire length of Stow Common on Great Road so that we can literally illuminate a path towards peace.” Please mark your calendars and join us!