Small Group Ministries Registration 2025

Click here to register for Small Group Ministry for the Feb. ’25 – Jan. ’26 cycle.

If you are a current SGM member, your membership does not automatically renew! You can request
to remain in the same group, choose another date/time or let us know your availability so you can get
to know some new people better.

What is Small Group Ministry (SGM)?

We are opening our SGM groups to welcome both FPC & UCMH members and friends this year. The
SGM groups consist of 8-10 people who meet monthly, following this general

  • Light a chalice.
  • Check-in with each other. What is on your mind that you’d like to share now?
  • Read the month’s Topic. Each person can optionally read a short section aloud.
  • Silence and sharing. Our custom is to pause between each member’s thoughts on the topic. After each person has spoken once (or passes) additional thoughts can be shared. We strive to listen without judgment or interruption as thoughts are shared until the close of the meeting.
  • Read the closing words and extinguish the chalice to end the meeting.

What are some topics that the groups have considered?

Past topics have included Friendship, My Spiritual Beliefs, Living Simply, and Gratitude. Just as our congregation is built on a variety of beliefs, our Topics are also wide-ranging and broad enough to include all voices and perspectives.

Why should I join an SGM?

It’s an excellent way to become better acquainted with other FPC & UCMH people and with the community in general.

“Intimacy and Ultimacy” are the goals: to foster connections between group members, and to promote the spiritual growth of each participant.

An added benefit is the opportunity to be in a group that chooses a project and provides that service to our community. Past projects have required a couple of hours, and have included apple peeling, groundskeeping, sending holiday cards, and making crafts.

Who else will be in my group?

New and returning members. Some returning members will remain in the same group, and some returning members will join a different group.

People who plan to attend meetings regularly.

People whose partners are (usually) in a different SGM.

People who request and respect confidentiality. The topics we cover allow thoughts from the superficial to the very personal. We don’t do therapy nor give advice; we do try to create a supportive and open place for getting to know each other, just as we are.

Where will my group meet?

When you register, you’ll be able to indicate whether you can participate only virtually, or you can drive to FPC for SGM meetings once it’s safe and comfortable for all.

Before COVID, all groups met in the Parlor (the room across from the Sanctuary). Since then, groups have met in person in several different rooms,  or over Zoom. Some groups have met with some members physically in the church and other members on Zoom, which we call a hybrid meeting.

One huge benefit of meeting via Zoom is that we can include out-of-state membership. For groups whose members all live within driving distance of FPC, each group can return to the in-person setting when it’s safe and comfortable for all group members.

A second benefit of meeting via Zoom is for folks who travel. Meeting on Zoom means that they can attend each month from wherever they are.

What if I am interested but not sure about committing now for the entire 12 months?

Time is a factor for all of us, and sometimes circumstances change, too.

We typically add a few members to some groups during the 12-month cycle. While the available days and times may be limited after the February start, we try to include everyone whenever possible!


New SGM groups organize in January, and start meeting in February, 2025.  The sign-up deadline is January 26th.  You can register by: 

  1. Signing up online on this webpage.  See form below. 
  2. email Karen Kinnear at
  3. return a printed registration form in US mail to Karen Kinnear, 62 Picnic St, Boxborough, MA 01719

If you sign up, you will be notified by your facilitator as to the time for your new group’s meeting.  If you have any questions, contact Karen Kinnear, .

Sincerely yours,

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, Minister                                Karen Kinnear, SGM Coordinator

Click here to see the SGM flyer!

Online Registration Form

Please sign up by January 26th for the new groups forming for February 2025.

We are also hoping to train some new facilitators this year.  If you are interested, please check the corresponding box at the bottom of the form.

Contact Information
* Required fields
I am available on the following days and times (please check ALL that apply):