This morning we will draw on the Jewish High Holy Days for our inspiration. Much of our music will be from the Jewish tradition and our youth will be performing their own adaptation of the Biblical story of Jonah and the Ninevites. The Rev. Tom Rosiello will preach a sermon entitled "Letting Go" based on the Yom Kippur teaching that once a year we need to take stock of our lives and find ways to "let go" of past hurts, wrongs, and even our guilt of not doing what we ought to have done. Sometimes forgiveness can be the most difficult thing asked of us. Sometimes, because of the magnitude of the wrong committed, it doesn't feel just or right to forgive. Even forgiving ourselves is no easy task. This morning we will focus on the importance of this practice of "letting go" of rancor, hurt, and disappointment so that we can begin our lives anew.