FPC Memorial Garden

About the FPC Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden is located at the northeast corner of the church property with planned access from both the church parking lot and the Stow Town Center Park. The Garden is to be a place of memorialization and rest for our church community and a space of peace and contemplation for the larger community. 

The operations of the FPC Memorial Garden are intended to be self-supporting. Costs will be met from fees for memorialization services. The design and build of the Memorial Garden is phased to ensure initial costs are in pace with services provided. Management is provided by the Memorial Garden Committee of the First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, under the oversight of the Board of Trustees.

Ways to Participate

Scattering of Ashes Only (without Name on Memorial Paver or Plaque on Memorial Wall)

  • Permission to scatter ashes in the scatter beds.
  • Record maintained at the church in perpetuity.

Name on Memorial Plaque on Memorial Wall Only

  • Name and dates engraved on a memorial plaque placed on the memorial wall.
  • Record maintained at the church in perpetuity.

Scattering of ashes plus name on Memorial Plaque

  • Name and dates engraved on a memorial plaque on the memorial wall.
  • Permission to scatter ashes in the scatter beds.
  • Record maintained at the church in perpetuity.

Bench with Memorial Plaque (bench with no back) / (bench with a back)

  • Name and dates engraved on a memorial plaque on a bench with no back in the inner garden, or a bench with a back along the path.
  • Permission to scatter ashes in the scatter beds, if desired.
  • Record maintained at the church in perpetuity.

Interment of ashes plus name on Memorial Paver

  • Ashes can be interred in a dedicated location with a paver stone to mark the location of rest and inscribed with the deceased’s name and dates. (Inscription method is yet to be determined.)
  • The ashes will be returned to the earth in a “green” container.
  • Record of interment maintained at the church in perpetuity.

* Fees do not include ministerial services. Ministerial services are complimentary for church members. For current fees for friends and non-members, please inquire at church office.

Types of Participation

Pre-planning: Those wishing to arrange in advance for the occasion of their own death can pre-pay at the current rate. The church will, upon notification of their death, place their name and dates on the memorial plaque or paver and inter or scatter their ashes as arranged. The same advanced arrangements can be made for any other immediate family members. Records will be kept of all pre-planned arrangements.

Memorialization: Those wishing to honor a loved one already deceased can arrange for memorialization through a memorial bench, plaque, interment and/or scattering of ashes as desired. Records will be kept by the church.

Additional Details

  • Individuals may be memorialized on a Memorial Plaque irrespective of where their remains are interred.
  • The Memorial Garden is intended for the use of members and friends of FPC and their immediate family. Members of the larger community are not eligible for memorialization in the Memorial Garden.
  • Information provided by the family is kept on file in the church office in perpetuity.

Application and Other Documents

Who to Contact

Inquires currently are handled by members of the Memorial Garden Committee. Please email: memorial-garden@fpc-stow-acton.org

Dedication Slideshow



