
Walk Against Hate
Apple Pie Sales

We welcome all who seek a vibrant spiritual home, where together we lovingly challenge and transform ourselves.

Empowered by our congregation’s rich history and our Unitarian Universalist traditions, we commit to courageously build a caring and just world.

Sunday Services

Sundays at 10 AM.

Directions & Map

RE: Children and youth begin in the sanctuary for the first part of the service, then proceed to Religious Education classes. Our Nursery provides care for infants and toddlers up to 3 years old; families can drop their children off 15 minutes before the service.

 Recordings of Past Services

Upcoming Services:

Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

10 AM in the Sanctuary or online/phone

Our world religions series continues as the wheel turns with this Solstice-time look at the paths of Wicca and Paganism. Rev. Cindy will draw on her own experience of the Pagan path as well as consult with her formerly Wiccan husband Peter.  

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video: https://tinyurl.com/22-23fpc
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service: CLICK HERE (posted by the Saturday before service)

Tuesday, December 24th, 2024

4 PM in the Sanctuary or online/phone

Our Family Service will feature a brand-new pageant telling the age-old tale, this one based on the animals’ stories of Christmas. We’ll sing carols together, finishing with our traditional candle lighting and singing of “Silent Night.”  

Our buildings are now mask-optional. We have designated a mask-required section of our sanctuary. It is marked off and in the back right corner. Please consult with an usher if assistance is needed. 

Join Worship by Video: https://tinyurl.com/22-23fpc
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)

FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.

Order of Service: CLICK HERE (posted by the Saturday before service)


News + Events

Friday, January 10th, 2025 - 5:30PM

Please join us on Friday, January 10th for our next dinner. There is no charge for the meal. Donations are gratefully accepted. We offer options made with vegetarian, gluten-free, or dairy-free ingredients. All meals are nut-free. Doors open at 5... Read more

Line Dancing at FPC on Jan 25

Saturday, January 25th, 2025 - 5:30PM to 8:30PM

Join family and friends at FPC for a chill-busting Arts Committee-sponsored evening of Dinner and Line Dancing led by the incomparable Paul Hughes! Read more

Saturday, February 1st, 2025 - 7:30PM


... Read more

Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 - 1:00PM to 7:00PM

Games tickets = $1 each / 1 ticket per game.

Photos below are from the Carnival games area at the 2024 Assebet Valley Craftbrew Festival held at FPC.  The games will be setup indoors for this Games Fest March event.... Read more