Recordings of Past Services

Video recordings of our Sunday services are available on our YouTube channel. Click on icon below to visit.

We also have a collection of audio recordings of selected Sunday 11:00AM services. To hear a service simply click on the red side of the audio player of the one you would like to hear. Alternatively, you can click on the .mp3 link to download the service to your computer or mobile device.

Note: Due to limitations with FPC's current audio system, the sound quality for most musical segments was very poor. As such, many of these pieces have not been included. We are working on upgrading the system so that the complete services can be heard. Also, for reasons of privacy, the "Joys and Concerns" segments have been excluded.

Should you have difficulty playing these recordings please contact:

An RSS feed of the audio services is available here: Subscribe to FPC of Stow & Acton Services

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Worship led by Rev. Tom Rosiello.

We all yearn to go deeper to connect with the spirit of life and love and justice by whatever name we call it. That theme will be expressed in the beautiful 16th century motet, Sicut Cervus by Palestrina at the 11 AM service and at the 9 AM service by a beautiful instrumental reflection. Being spiritually grounded is essential to a healthy life and just as our bodies need to be nourished by food and exercise; our spirits too need to be fed and exercised through a spiritual practice. Moreover our spiritual health and physical health are often closely connected. This Sunday we will begin the new program theme for this year, “Healthy Bodies-Healthy Spirits.”  Stay tuned – lots of different activities that will be part of this program. And also we will commission those wonderful adults who once again have volunteered to teach and otherwise assist with our religious education program for children and youth.

Sunday, September 9th, 2012


This Sunday we return to worship in our beautifully restored church and to two services. We will be "pulling out all the stops" for this Ingathering celebration when we officially begin our church year. In our worship we will focus on the importance of having a spiritual home and how this church is, or can be, that home for you.  Our professional and volunteer musicians will be back in force with members of our jazz band playing at the 9 AM and 11 AM services.  At the 9 AM Mike Pfitzer will sing a solo about coming home and at the 11 AM our choir, under his direction, will be singing a beautiful anthem entitled, “The Road Home" by Stephen Paulus.  Our Director of Religious Education, Michelle Cote, as well as our new Visiting Student Minister, Jennifer Duhamel, will also be participating and there will be a message for children and youth introducing them to our Religious Education program.  The Rev. Tom Rosiello will be preaching.  A special homecoming coffee hour will follow both services and there will even be an ice cream social at Erickson's Dairy at 3 pm this afternoon. 

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Unitarian Universalists are often accused of being too much in our heads or too intellectual in our approach to religion. What can we learn from mystics of the past and present about the heart of religion and the art of surrender?

Our service will be led by Allison Palm who just finished her second year in the Masters of Divinity program at Andover Newton Theological School. She is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist from central Minnesota and hopes to go into Parish Ministry once she completes her degree. 

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

One Service Only at 10 AM (beginning of summer service schedule)

This will be an exciting service! Our Junior and Senior Youth selected the theme and they have been working with DRE, Michelle Cote and Music Director, Mike Pfitzer to create a meaningful service for all ages.  We are very proud of our Youth at FPC.  I hope you will be there to support them and hear their message.   We will also recognize our graduating seniors at this service. 

Sunday, May 13th, 2012

The Rev. Tom Rosiello will be preaching and leading the worship.

This month people in many parts of the world are celebrating the Buddha's birthday. Many Unitarian Universalists are drawn to Buddhist practices and thought.

This morning we will explore Buddhism and its connection to Unitarian Universalism. We will also take time in our service to acknowledge Mother's Day and the role that parents play in our lives.  

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

One Service at 11 AM in Stow
We tend to think of silence as a welcome reprieve from busyness, but silence has a hidden face. Our faith can help us navigate such encounters with the violence of silence.
This Morning our service will be lead by The Rev. Erik Resly.  Erik grew up overseas and was confirmed in the Unitarische Freie Religionsgemeinde (Unitarian Free Religious Community) in Frankfurt, Germany. He is in his final year of study at Harvard Divinity School, having served as Intern Minister at First Parish in Milton, MA and as a chaplain at the National Institutes of Health. Next year, he hopes to start a network of neighborhood faith communities in Washington, DC to reach populations underrepresented in our tradition. 

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012


Earth, fire, air, and water. Since ancient times these have been considered the basic elements that support life on our planet. Today with help from members of our green team and FPC supporters of the  Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, we will focus on water. No life can exist without it and therefore all people have a right to safe, sufficient, affordable, accessible water for daily human needs. Our water is not a limitless resource and selling water has become a huge business.  Music Director Mike Pftizer and singers from our choirs will lead us in some Earth Day Songs and chants.

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

We are blessed to have so many children as part of our church. This Sunday we will begin both services with a Child Dedication ceremony.  At each service families with babies and older children who are new to our church or who have new children in their family will be participating.  Our entire service will focus on children; not a children’s service, but a service about being a child. It is not easy to be a child. Growing up can be a tough job. We will focus on the challenges our children face and how our community and liberal faith tradition can help. Our worship will be led by The Rev. Tom Rosiello and Director of Religious Education, Michelle Cote. 

Sunday, April 8th, 2012


Easter reminds us that the seemingly impossible can happen, that we can move beyond our pain and struggle and find new life.  Love is the catalyst that makes this possible. This morning we will celebrate how love can triumph!  Join us for an uplifting service full of  joy and hope. In addition to the Easter gospel there will also be poetry by e.e.cummings, a reading from Howard Thurman and the telling of the wonderful story for all ages of  “The Velveteen Rabbit.”  After the story, children will leave for a fun Easter Egg Hunt that also teaches them the Easter story.  Our choirs and soloist will be singing great Easter music and at the end of both services everyone will be invited to the choir in singing the famous Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah. Worship will be led by The Rev. Tom Rosiello. Music will be under the direction of Mike Pfitzer with Sanghee Kim as organist and pianist. A reception with coffee and "goodies" will follow each service in Fellowship Hall.  It will be a wonderful morning. Treat yourself to the experience and bring your family and friends.


Sunday, April 1st, 2012

This is Palm Sunday on the Christian calendar, a day when many churches focus on the meaning of Jesus’s life.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said of Jesus, “What a distortion (does) his doctrine and memory suffer.”  This morning we will look beyond those distortions and focus on the man Jesus, the Jewish teacher, prophet, and reformer, and the relevancy of his life and teachings to our inclusive religious movement.  We will ask the question, “Would Jesus, if he were alive today, be a Unitarian Universalist?” You might be surprised at the answer!  The worship service will be lead by The Rev. Tom Rosiello.  Our Adult Choir will sing Mendelsohn’s beautiful anthem, "How lovely are the Messengers" as well as other music at the 11 AM service.  Pianist Barbara Jones will perform music of Handel & Bach at both services. 


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