Join us for a recording of the previous Sunday’s service at General Assembly, which this year is being held virtually. It will reflect on the reality that we are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to this weaving so that all of us are held in care?
Please use the regular Zoom link below, and then at 10am our Zoom Host Sharon Brownfield will start playing the recording that we can all watch together.
Join Worship by Video:
Meeting ID: 999 7077 0266
Passcode: 01775
Join worship by phone: (929)205-6099 (long distance rates will apply)
FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on.
Order of Service: None this Sunday