The Tent of Abraham A Route to Tolerance and Peace

Sunday, September 14, 2014
at 9 AM & 11 AM

The three great monotheistic traditions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all are said to have Abraham as a common ancestor.  Abraham’s tent was said to be open on all sides so as to welcome the stranger from every direction.  The stories of Abraham teach us about tolerance and learning to live with those who believe differently, even to bring them into your tent.  This idea is part of our Unitarian Universalist Faith tradition. Yet we know that in our own country and throughout the world, so often Jewish Christians and Muslims claim their faith as the only true faith and all others as unwelcome. Instead of welcoming the stranger we wage war against them.  This past summer we have seen the conflict between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East increase.  We have witnessed in Syria and even in our own nation, disdain between Christians and Muslims.  What would it mean if each faith tradition really embraced the message of their common ancestor, Abraham? There are rays of hope.  Together we will pray for peace.  Our music will be songs of peace from all three traditions and will include a recent anthem with words written by an Arab and the music by a Jew as a protest against those who are fueling war between them justified on religious grounds.
