Sunday, October 25, 2015
at 9 AM & 11 AM

Sunday, October 25 9 AM & 11 AM
"Parity, Not Charity"
Unitarianism (the belief that God is one, not a trinity) had its beginning in the Transylvania region of Romania almost 500 years ago. For 20 years now, the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council has helped to facilitate partnerships between congregations around the globe. First Parish Church of Stow and Acton is partnered with a Unitarian congregation in Olasztelek, Romania. Intern Minister Ilene Gillispie also grew up in a UU church which had a partner church program, and in this service she will share her experiences traveling to Romania as a child, teenager, and young adult. We will reflect together on the Partner Church Council's motto-- parity, not charity-- and explore the many ways that we can be nurtured spiritually through partnership. This service should be of particular interest to those considering or planning to visit Transylvania with FPC's first-ever Unitarian Heritage Pilgrimage this spring! While she is an experienced preacher, this will be Intern Minister, Ilene Gillispie's first time preaching here at FPC. Hymns of Transylvanian origin will be included in this worship service.
